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Biznet Home will provide a special promo to celebrate the 306 Anniversary of the City of Bengkulu.


1. This promo is valid for Biznet Home new customers.
2. This promo is only valid for customers who are in The New Biznet Fiber area.
3. This promo is only valid in 16 – 18  March 2025.
4. Promo only valid for Bengkulu City area
5. This promo is valid for all Biznet Home service packages including layanan Biznet Home Internet 0DS, Biznet Home Internet 1DS, Biznet Home Internet 2DS, Biznet Home Gamers 3DS.
6. Customers who take this promo will get free Biznet Home installation fee from the normal price of Rp 250,000.
7. Customers who want to take advantage of this promo are required to use the promo code “BIZNETCITYANNIV” when registering for Biznet Home.
8. Customers who take this promo are required to make payment before the promo period ends.
9. Promo fees that have been paid cannot be refunded or cashed.
10. Biznet has the right to make changes to these terms and conditions by providing information related to these changes through the website.
11. Customers are required to follow the terms and conditions specified by Biznet to be able to participate in this promo.
12. By participating in this promo, customers are deemed to understand and agree to all applicable terms and conditions, and are inseparable from the terms and conditions that apply to Biznet Home service.
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